Welcome to the Morningside Elementary's Media Center!
Media Specialist: Brooke Herndon
The Morningside Elementary Media Center is open every day from 8:00 a.m. until 4:00 Over 24,000 print and non-print materials are housed in the media center.
Media Center Policies and Procedures Students may come to the media center for book check-out, research, small group projects, and silent reading throughout the day with permission from their teacher. Classes may also visit the Media Center throughout the day for whole class check-out, activities, and lessons in Media Skills and Research. Students may check out two books at a time. Students are not charged fines for overdue books; however, students are unable to check out a new book until the late book is returned. If a book is damaged or lost, it must be paid for before check-out privileges resume. Reference books are reserved for use only in the media center in order to be readily accessible to students, teachers and staff members
Accelerated Reader Morningside Elementary students have the opportunity to participate in the Accelerated Reader program. Accelerated Reader is a computer-based reading motivation program that is currently in use by more than 14,000 schools across North America. Students read a book from the Accelerated Reader book list and then take a computerized quiz on the book, answering simple multiple-choice questions that test recall of basic facts and events in the book. After finishing the test, students get a point score based on the difficulty level of the book and the number of correctly answered questions. Students must score 80% or higher on the test to earn points at Morningside. The computer keeps track of every student's points. Student with five or more points at the end of a nine weeks grading period will be allowed to come “shop” for prizes at our A.R. store.

Mrs. Herndon graduated from Georgia College and State with a B.S. in Early Childhood Education and a Master’s Degree in Instructional Technology: Library Media. She taught for six years at Shirley Hills Elementary in Kindergarten, Second, and Third grades before joining the Morningside staff in 2011. Mrs. Herndon has two fabulous children. In her spare time Mrs. Herndon loves to read and use new technology. She also enjoys sewing, crafting and baking.